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The race

Across Hidalgo 

The Across Hidalgo is a mountain biking stage race that runs through the state of Hidalgo. As every year Téenek Racing is given the task of selecting a different route so that cyclists can ride and get to know different places in the state. The race goes through some of the magic towns in the state of Hidalgo as well as its most fascinating natural areas.


Recognized as one of the toughest competitions in Mexico. The Across Hidalgo puts national and international competitors to the test.

3 Full Course Stages (from June 6 to 8)

1 Stage (June 6 or 7 or 8

Riders can choose between the different packages that the race offers for accommodation






May 30

Last day to register PRO PACKAGE


June 1

Last day to register BASIC PACKAGE


June 5 (Thursday) 

Reception competitors. Here you can leave your vehicles and bicycle boxes (Only for those staying at the Hotel). 

All competitors must already be at the host Hotel to pick up their competition kits.  

The packages will be delivered after 6:00 pm. 


At 8:00 pm the organization will give the last details about the route and important things to take into account before the start of the race such as weather conditions and terrain conditions. 

Mandatory Equipment:

  • NON-EV Mountain Bike

  • Helmet and gloves 

  • Wind breaker

  • Amphoras or Camelback to carry at least 1.5 liters of water.

Recommended Equipment

  • GPS mandatory

  • Cell phone with TELCEL chip 

  • Strobe 


  • Man Pro Open 

  • Women's Open

  • Man Amateur Open

  • Veterans (46 years and older)

  • Mixed Couples

  • Men Couples

- Categories open with aminimum of 10 participants per category.

- Quota limited to 150 participants

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